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Cheese Storage & HandlingUpdated 2 years ago

What is the best way to store Cabot cheese?

Cabot cheese that is wax covered or stored within a vacuum-sealed bag inside the refrigerator is ideal. However, consumers can remove the original wrapper and re-wrap the cheese with plastic wrap, placing the wrapped cheese inside an airtight bag in the refrigerator. This will provide the best assurance of quality.

Is refrigeration required for Cabot's waxed cheeses?

All Cabot cheeses, with the exception of boxed Cabot macaroni and cheeses, require refrigeration. We do not have packaging that will protect our cheese from the effects of heat.

What is the best way to travel with Cabot Cheese?

While the optimal temperature for cheese is between 35 and 45 degrees Fahrenheit, Cabot cheeses are hardy enough to withstand a short time period without refrigeration. Determining how long the cheese will retain its high quality is very difficult, and so we recommend keeping our cheese as cool as possible at all times. If traveling by car, the car should remain air conditioned, or the cheese should be stored in a cooler with a cooling pack. If traveling by plane, we recommend keeping your Cabot cheese refrigerated or on ice as close to travel as possible, keeping it in its original packaging, placing it in plastic, and then storing it in your luggage. It will remain flavorful and fresh for at least one day in the baggage compartment of the plane; just be sure to refrigerate it upon arriving at your final destination. One note of caution: if you are carrying cheese while flying, be sure to check your bag.

Can I freeze Cabot cheeses?

Freezing cheese compromises the texture, typically resulting in extreme crumbling. If you do choose to freeze, the flavor will not be affected and the cheese is still fine for eating and cooking.

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